U.S. House of Representatives Introduces Highway Reauthorization Legislation

06/03/2020 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Today the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee released its Highway Reauthorization bill titled, “Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act.’’

The 864-page bill outlines the priorities of the Democratic majority in the House, focusing on everything from carbon emissions to road safety programs. The draft bill would authorize $319 billion for highways, $105 billion for transit, $5 billion for highway safety, $5 billion for motor carrier safety, and $60 billion for rail.

We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are currently reviewing the text and changes to the current statute that would follow if this bill becomes law. The MRF is committed to protecting the rights of motorcyclists in any federal transportation legislation.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) focuses on a few key areas such as the protection of motorcyclists from law enforcement profiling, ensuring that motorcycle safety funds sent to states remain available, the continuation of a Federal Motorcyclist Advisory Council, protection of motorcycles during the deployment of autonomous vehicles, and a continued ban on lobbying by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. You can read our entire 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Priorities here.

A preliminary review of this bill indicates that some of these areas are addressed in the House bill. Where our priorities are not addressed, we will seek inclusion during the mark up of the bill through the amendment process. We will also continue to advocate that our priorities are included in any Senate transportation bill.

Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, President of the MRF, stated: “While I am pleased that Congress is beginning the process of a Highway Reauthorization bill, I am troubled by the fact this bill was written solely by one party. We, as motorcyclists, do not believe that the safety of riders is a partisan issue. We will continue to educate lawmakers about our priorities and will remain vigilant in defense of our freedoms and safety.”

For more information about the INVEST in America Act, you can click here.

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