Across the country a battle is underway between those that want to end the availability of combustion engines, and those fighting to protect their survival. While states like California and Massachusetts are setting timelines for purchase bans on internal combustion engines, other states like New Hampshire and Wisconsin are pushing back.
The Biden Administration recently rolled out plans shifting this country to a majority electric vehicle market over the next ten years. Republicans in Congress have responded. In March, Rep. John Joyce of Pennsylvania introduced H.R. 1435 the “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.” H.R. 1435 would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent a ban on the sale of internal combustion engines, effectively trumping any state law that outlaws their sale.
Now is the time to have your voice heard. Let Congress know you support the right to choose the type of engine you buy.
Click here to contact your Member of the House of Representatives and ask them to support H.R. 1435.