On June 1st, Nebraska governor Jim Pillen signed into law a motorcycle helmet modification bill, which allows riders to choose if they wear a helmet. Congratulations to the motorcyclists in Nebraska, ABATE of Nebraska and all the groups in Nebraska who for years fought to have helmet choice in the Cornhusker State.
Nebraska State Senator Ben Hansen originally introduced the language, which was included in a larger transportation bill that passed the legislature at the end of May. Effective January 1, 2024, an individual age 21 and older, who has completed a certified motorcycle safety course may now choose whether or not to wear a helmet, provided the rider uses protective eye equipment.
In 2020, Missouri passed a helmet choice bill leaving Nebraska as the sole state in the Midwest that required all riders to wear a helmet. With this new law, Nebraska now joins its neighboring states and becomes the 33rd state allowing helmet choice.
For 34 years riders in Nebraska have sought the freedom to decide whether to wear a helmet. This victory is a testament to the handiwork, determination and passion of all those involved. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has long championed the belief that “those who ride should decide.”
When hearing the news, MRF President, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard said, "Grass roots activism at its finest, it is encouraging to see that there are still politicians and bureaucrats in this great country of ours that bend to common sense and the will of the people. Given the nanny state of our society today, it is an outstanding achievement by ABATE of Nebraska and other involved motorcyclists in earning their freedom of choice."
This message from “Rouge,” State Coordinator for ABATE of Nebraska, Todd C. Miller should inspire us all. “It is hard to explain what this bill means to me. I was mentored and encouraged by so many. I am turning 60 and had the privilege to ride in this state prior to the mandatory helmet law enacted in 1989. Over the years, I have lost many friends, colleagues, brothers and freedom fighters who were on the frontlines of this fight. It is hard to encourage a group of young riders that have never ridden free in Nebraska, for us, that was anyone under the age of 50! So, in honor of all of those we have lost, I am very proud to say the next generation of riders will know what it means to ride free in this state. I pray they make memories, enjoy the ride here in Nebraska and become emboldened with the same desire I, and so many others, had to defend our rights in the years to come. We all know the fight is NOT over.
I would like to Honor my Board of Directors/State Officers both past and present for sticking with the plan… and making it happen. My legislative officers over the years who helped keep us focused and get us there one step at a time, including Charles Thomas, Scott Lucey, Gary Neeman and my current Legislative Representative Randy Geer. Last and certainly not least, my wife and State Membership Secretary, Sheri Miller for all the late nights, weekends, and continued support.
My list of outstanding contributors also includes Rick Backer, Jimmy Wray, Jodi Wessel, and Duane ‘Drano’ Goff, all of whom are no longer with us …”
Congratulations Nebraska!
Ride Safe and Ride Free!