Thank you. Your individual responses to the Eblast you received from the MRF around August 4 were encouraging. So encouraging in fact, that I was requested to pull together one more appeal for biker rights advocates in the Northeast to join your brothers and sisters and “get your motors runnin’!” and head down to Harrisburg and the Meeting of the Minds in September.
With someone from clean across country making such a production out of attending an event in Pennsylvania, you’re probably wondering what the fuss is all about. First, it’s about the MRF listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling, and motorcyclists’ rights -- this year’s Meeting of the Minds features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a stack of new topics added to the mix!
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation–presenters who live and breathe motorcyclists’ rights, topical workshops that have real-world applications for protecting the future of motorcycling – Bikers Inside the Beltway, the Meeting of the Minds–there’s no other place in the world that you can get this much information in such a short span of time; even if you spent an evening ‘surfin’ the net!’
If you haven’t already, get ready to meet Bob Stoner, a 27-year member of ABATE of Indiana. He’ll join Aaron Meyer to present 90 minutes that will help keep your SMRO on track -- SMRO Guidebook: A Cookbook for Your Organization.
Whether you’re contemplating running for political office or supporting a motorcycle-friendly candidate, “think globally, act locally” puts the mission of protecting the future of motorcycling directly into the avenue of approach to motorcyclists’ rights advocacy. Traci Beaurivage and Imre Szauter present Beyond Legislative Lobbying and share their collective political experience with attendees in their workshop.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation -- Bikers Inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds --listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling & motorcyclists’ rights!
I’m not the guy to tell you that the MRF has all the answers. However, I will tell you that Since 1987 the MRF has been the only national motorcyclists’ rights organization dedicated to on-street riders with full-time representation in Washington, D.C.! The MRF may not have all the answers, however you can take it to the bank that the information shared at the Meeting of the Minds will be useful to you and your SMRO!
One more time: Why attend the Meeting of the Minds? With the increasing attacks against motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights – profiling, end of life directives for motorcycles, over-regulating the availability of fuel – the Meeting of the Minds offers sixteen workshops tailored to the motorcyclists’ rights activists. These workshops are presented by some of the nations’ most respected and knowledgeable freedom fighters. Plus, the information will serve you well before your legislators, state regulatory agencies, and members of Congress.
The successes of the Motorcycle Rides Foundation are hard won. They are won because freedom-loving riders like you help make the victories easier. Thanks for using the links below to register for the Meeting of the Minds and make your hotel reservations. See you in Harrisburg in September and enjoy the ride!
The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24. The Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111; at $109 nightly, there are rooms available, but they’re going fast. Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.