The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has formed a council to review the challenges of independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders so they may be addressed by the MRF lobbyists in Washington, DC. “We are pleased to have Bob Kay lead the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council, stated Kirk ”Hardtail” Willard, Bob’s firsthand experience over 5 decades will be invaluable to focusing the efforts of our lobbyists.” The recent focus on internal combustion engines is threatening the future of independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders to provide alternative service centers as well as servicing older bikes and customization projects. Bob Kay said, “I am extremely proud of the team we put together to focus lobbyists on our right repair and modify with the input we receive from the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Network.” The Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council chaired by Bob Kay membership includes Keith Ball from Bikernet, Chris Callen from Cyclesource Magazine, Scott Hakins from S&S, Steve Broyles from Stevenson Cycles, John Jessup from Dream Rides, Jason Hallman from Cycle Stop USA and John O’Brien of Hardcore cycles.
Independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders wishing to join the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Network can contact Bob Kay at Or go directly to the website at
There is also a private Facebook group set up for discussion of these important topics at
And a public Instagram page dedicated to passing IMA news and events.
You can also support our lobbyists efforts by purchasing a Sustaining Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Annual Membership at
About the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.
Right to Repair – You or the repair shop of your choice should have access to the tools, parts, and technology you need. However, manufacturers want to restrict your ability to service, maintain and repair your bike.
Right to Modify – The ability to modify and customize your bike is a fight the MRF has won before. In the 1990’s the MRF defeated a proposal that would have limited modification to “color and chrome.” We continue to fight for consumers rights to modify products they buy how they see fit.
Renewable Fuels – The availability of fuel for use in motorcycles is under attack. The MRF fights for the universal availability of approved fuel blends, containing no more than 10% ethanol by volume.
Internal Combustion Engines – Not only is the fuel we need under attack, but the engines that burn that fuel are being targeted. A push to ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines is happening right now! We believe Americans should have the right to choose what time of engine to buy not have the choice mandated by the government.
End of Life Directives – In Europe, “end of life directives” require vehicles over a certain age be turned in for destruction. Policy ideas that first appear in Europe have a history of popping up in the United States. The ability to own, collect, work on, and refurbish older motorcycles is a fundamental part of who we are as motorcyclists. The MRF will battle any end-of-life directives in the U.S.
Protect the Motorcycle Ecosystem– Independent shops and manufacturers are a critical part of the motorcycle ecosystem. They provide choice and competition in the marketplace. The MRF believes that to preserve the lifestyle and culture of motorcycling, independent shops and manufacturers must be protected.