Secreatary Duffy Memo To Help Protect Internal Combustion Engine
Just hours after being confirmed as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Secretary Sean Duffy issued a memo phrased to protect the internal combustion engine. The memo directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to immediately review and reconsider all existing fuel economy standards for vehicles produced from the 2022 model year forward.
The memo states, “These fuel economy standards are set at such aggressive levels that automakers cannot, as a practical matter, satisfy the standards without rapidly shifting production away from internal combustion engine vehicles to alternative electric technologies.”
The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards under review were enacted during the previous administration. CAFE standards are one of the three objectives being used in the effort to eliminate Internal Combustion Engines (ICE). The second objective is tailpipe emission standards issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many presume that the Trump Administration will order the EPA to conduct a similar review of those standards, which compel carmakers to sell more electric models. The final objective in the effort to eliminate ICE is the EPA’s waiver process, which allows California to enact its own rules under the Clean Air Act and is also under scrutiny.
Rewriting rules and regulations like the one mentioned will take time. Outside of actions by the executive branch, legislation and court cases may also shape the future of this debate. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will remain engaged on this issue and fight to allow you to choose the type of engine you want in your vehicle.
Click Here To Read Memo: DUFFY MEMO