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  • 03/28/2016 10:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Motorcyclists Unite on Anti-Profiling Bill Language

    Consistent with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) 2016 Legislative Agenda as voted on by its Sustaining State Motorcyclists Rights Organizations, the MRF has aligned with other national motorcyclists’ rights organizations on proposed federal anti-profiling language. (The full version of the language can be read in a link below.)

    The MRF recognizes the importance to all motorcyclists of this much-needed language, and we applaud the hard work of organizations that are addressing this issue legislatively on the state level. The time has come, however, to address profiling on a national level. There is a public misconception that profiling is strictly an issue that affects only motorcycle clubs; in reality, nothing could be further from the truth, as profiling injustices continue to happen across the country to all types of motorcyclists. This issue is a matter of civil liberties, and now is the time to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

    To that end, at the most recent Anti-Profiling Action Group meeting in Las Vegas, ranking members from many motorcycling organizations all agreed to support anti-profiling language, including James “Doc” Reichenbach II, Chairman of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), Frank Ernst, Chairman of the NCOM Legislative Task Force, and David “Double D” Devereaux, representing the Council of Clubs and author of this anti-profiling language. Other members of the Anti-Profiling Action Group include the Committee Lead Russell Radke, MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, Committee Secretary Shelly Holcomb, MRF PAC Treasurer Lenny Holcomb, and nationally known motorcyclists’ advocate Dick “Slider” Gilmore.

    As the true “boots on the ground” of motorcycling rights, the MRF is asking each of you to reach out to your federal legislators and ask them to support anti-profiling language. Time is of the essence—we need to know who will support us and who will not by May 1, two weeks prior to our “Bikers Inside the Beltway” national biker lobby day on May 12, 2016.

    Please send all responses from your legislators—both those that are in favor and those that are against—to Russell Radke at Russell will then forward all the compiled information to the MRF’s analyst to compile into a list of talking points for the MRF’s national biker lobby day known as Bikers Inside the Beltway to be held in Washington D.C. on May 12th.

    Anti-Profiling Victory at the State Level

    Maryland recently passed an Anti-Profiling bill through both the House and Senate. Public Safety-Motorcycle Profiling-Training passed the Senate with a 47-0 vote and the House of Delegates with a 136-0 vote. Maryland would be the second state in the union joining Washington to pass an Anti-Profiling bill after a procedural vote across both bodies and a signature by the Governor. 

    National Motorcycle Profiling Act Draft 2016

  • 03/23/2016 10:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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    27th Annual Heartland Steam is Fast Approaching, Register Now!

    February 23, 2016

    Heartland S.T.E.A.M. is fast approaching, and with just a little more than a week left to receive discounted registration, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) encourages all motorcyclists to join with members of motorcycle rights groups from South Dakota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa in attending this important event.

    Held on April 1 – 3, Heartland S.T.E.A.M. is hosted this year by A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota and is the premiere motorcycling rights conference in the Midwest. Heartland S.T.E.A.M.—an acronym for Seminar To Educate And Motivate—is a weekend-long event whose purpose is to help educate officers and all members of state motorcycle rights organizations (SMROs) and encourage discussion on political issues pertaining to motorcycle rights. It’s the perfect forum for exchanging ideas and strategies for defending and maintaining grass-roots motorcycling rights.

    Heartland S.T.E.A.M. is open to all motorcyclists, and all profits support the MRF in its mission to defend motorcycling rights on a national level. Until March 1, registration is $50; after then, registration increases to $60.

    For complete details and registration, visit the Heartland S.T.E.A.M. registration page at

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  • 03/12/2016 12:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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    Report of Motorcycle Curfew Completely False

    March 13, 2016

    A recent report of a supposed curfew enacted by a number of states against motorcyclists has been making the rounds lately, and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation wishes to squelch this nasty little rumor before it gets a life of its own.

    It appears that this false story has gained the interest of a lot of people, as many search engines are currently bringing up "motorcycle curfew" as soon as you enter the word motorcycle—it’s what the social media experts refer to as “trending.”

    It pains the MRF to dignify this ridiculous story with a response; however, we appreciate motorcyclists’ rights advocates paying attention when things like this come up and want to make sure accurate information is available. To be as clear as possible, there is no curfew being put into effect, and the story is completely false.

    The reasons that make the adoption of a curfew by a supposed eleven states absurd are far too numerous to address here, and this complete work of fiction is nothing more than an a bad attempt to either create momentum for some other cause or to serve as a distraction to true freedom fighters.

    Keep up the good work, it looks like we've got somebody worried.


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