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  • 09/22/2023 10:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Just yesterday, BMW directed its North American dealers to stop the sale of all new and used motorcycles. The directive only effects motorcycles using internal combustion engines. BMW electric motorcycles are not impacted by the order. 

    BMW stated that, “This temporary stop sale is not safety related and BMW owners may continue to ride their motorcycles as normal.” The fact that the order is not related to safety and does not impact electric motorcycles has led to much speculation. One possible reason for the move by BMW could be emissions related. The focus on both new and used motorcycles hints that is a long-standing issue BMW is trying to address.

    It’s unclear how this order will impact BMW owners who may face recalls, or other maintenance situations. Regardless of the “temporary” status, being that this information focuses on “internal combustion engines” and offers electric motorcycles as a replacement, it certainly has our attention. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will track this developing story and update you as the more information becomes available. 

  • 09/21/2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Beginning in Ohio, President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and Vice-President Jay Jackson attended the Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the American Motorcyclist Association Museum. MRF State Rep Sherry Hill and folks from ABATE of Ohio set up a membership table at the AMA’s Bike Night on Saturday. AMA hosted a Road Captain training that was attended by ABATE of Arizona, ABATE of Indiana, ABATE of Michigan and ABATE of Ohio on Sunday.

    This series of events also allowed facilitation of a meeting between the MRF President and representatives from the Federation Internationale De Motorcylisme (FIM) out of Switzerland and a member of the Board of Directors from the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA) out of Belgium. The topics of concern were End of Life Directives related to motorcycles, European and United Nations activities surrounding internal combustion engines and electric vehicle mandates. We also discussed the issues surrounding motorcycle parts certification and availability of parts. The timing was ideal as it allows this information to be disseminated in real time at the Meeting of the Minds this week in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

    The State Motorcycle Safety Association (SMSA) held their annual Summit in Columbus, Ohio September 13th through 16th. State motorcycle rights organizations from Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and others were in attendance to learn the latest statistics, trends and issues related to motorcycle safety. MRF Vice President Jay Jackson presented “Promising Practices in Rider Training” as part of an alliance with six other states. The 2024 Summit will be held in Denver, Colorado.

    The week ended with the MRF President and Russell Radke, the MRF Motorcycle Club Representative to the MRF Board, attending the National Council of Clubs meeting in Dayton, Ohio. The highlights were participating in an update of the Motorcycling Profiling Project which has played a very important role in our collective motorcycle anti-profiling successes. We also had an opportunity to share strategic updates on our legislative agenda and provide an update on the concerns we share regarding the future of motorcycling to a crowded room of motorcycle club members.

  • 09/14/2023 4:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    On Thursday, September 14th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1435, the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, with a final vote of 222 to 190. H.R. 1435 would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent a ban on the sale of internal combustion engines, effectively trumping any state law that prohibits their sale. 214 Republicans were joined by eight Democrats in favor of the bill, while no Republicans voted against it.

    The Republican majority in the House of Representatives has been pushing back on policies supported by the Biden Administration and Democratic state governments aimed at restricting the sale of internal combustion engines. As Thursday’s near party line vote demonstrates, this has become a highly partisan issue. The focus now turns to the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate. That chamber has a companion bill, S. 2090. That bill, with just 10 Senate cosponsors, faces an uphill battle.

    Nevertheless, the action by the House today demonstrates that some lawmakers have heard the concerns of their constituents regarding the government-sponsored push towards electric vehicles.

    If you haven’t already contacted your two U.S. Senators, click here, and ask them to cosponsor S.2090.

  • 09/12/2023 8:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    “You always reap what you sow; there is no shortcut.” – Stephen Covey

    Thirty-nine years ago, at the first national gathering of motorcyclists’ rights activists in nearly ten years, we met searching for common ground. Metaphorically, the field was a cheap motel in St. Louis, Missouri, and we were not there to plant anything.

    Yet, here we are, thirty-nine years later, and the crops of our labors and what was almost unintentionally sown have produced a cadre of motorcyclists’ rights advocates, one of the most successful years legislatively in motorcyclists’ rights history, and the nation’s foremost advocate for street-riding motorcyclists with full-time representation in Washington, D.C. – The Motorcycle Riders Foundation. There have been no shortcuts.

    The MRF took no shortcuts and faced years of challenges that were met head-on. Year-after-year the MRF took the responsibility of bringing motorcyclists’ rights activists together for refresher courses in grassroots activism at the Annual Meeting of the Minds conference. With your ongoing commitment to motorcyclists’ rights, motorcyclists are reaping what the MRF has sowed.

    That first meeting of the minds was one long general session. There were no smoke breaks—the room was a “smoke if you’ve got ‘em” free-for-all. No workshops or breakout sessions, no legislative agenda, and no commitment to take the first meeting beyond its termination. Little did we know that this group of biker/horticulturists of motorcyclists’ rights activism were cultivating the ground to plant the seeds to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights. Yet, we do not have the luxury of allowing the common ground we stand upon to lay fallow.

    The MRF listens, makes a difference, and moves forward at the direction of members, SMRO and motorcycle club partners to protect the future of motorcycling. This year’s Meeting of the Minds features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a host of new topics added to the mix!

    The success of this year’s Bikers Inside the Beltway was a result of what is taught at the Meeting of the Minds. Keeping our members and partner SMROs and motorcycle clubs informed and on point is what makes the Motorcycle Riders Foundation the nation’s leading motorcyclists’ rights advocacy group for on-street motorcyclists.  

    Reaping what we sow -- Bikers Inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds – the Motorcycle Riders Foundation –listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights!

    The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24, Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds

    Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds.

    Yours in Freedom,


    Fredric Harrell

    MRF Director of Conferences & Events

    PS: A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania asked me to remind you while you’re packing for the trip, put on your old Donna Summer and Bee Gees records, find your disco shoes and Saturday Night Live clothes. They’re hosting a FUN Raiser for the MRFPAC, and it promises to be a disco-mania memory lane hoot!

  • 09/11/2023 4:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has formed a council to review the challenges of independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders so they may be addressed by the MRF lobbyists in Washington, DC. “We are pleased to have Bob Kay lead the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council, stated Kirk ”Hardtail” Willard, Bob’s firsthand experience over 5 decades will be invaluable to focusing the efforts of our lobbyists.” The recent focus on internal combustion engines is threatening the future of independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders to provide alternative service centers as well as servicing older bikes and customization projects. Bob Kay said, “I am extremely proud of the team we put together to focus lobbyists on our right repair and modify with the input we receive from the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Network.” The Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council chaired by Bob Kay membership includes Keith Ball from Bikernet, Chris Callen from Cyclesource Magazine, Scott Hakins from S&S, Steve Broyles from Stevenson Cycles, John Jessup from Dream Rides, Jason Hallman from Cycle Stop USA and John O’Brien of Hardcore cycles. 

    Independent motorcycle dealers and custom bike builders wishing to join the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Network can contact Bob Kay at Or go directly to the website at

    There is also a private Facebook group set up for discussion of these important topics at

    And a public Instagram page dedicated to passing IMA news and events.

    You can also support our lobbyists efforts by purchasing a Sustaining Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Annual Membership at

    About the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

    Right to Repair – You or the repair shop of your choice should have access to the tools, parts, and technology you need. However, manufacturers want to restrict your ability to service, maintain and repair your bike.

    Right to Modify – The ability to modify and customize your bike is a fight the MRF has won before. In the 1990’s the MRF defeated a proposal that would have limited modification to “color and chrome.” We continue to fight for consumers rights to modify products they buy how they see fit.

    Renewable Fuels The availability of fuel for use in motorcycles is under attack. The MRF fights for the universal availability of approved fuel blends, containing no more than 10% ethanol by volume.

    Internal Combustion Engines – Not only is the fuel we need under attack, but the engines that burn that fuel are being targeted. A push to ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines is happening right now! We believe Americans should have the right to choose what time of engine to buy not have the choice mandated by the government.

    End of Life Directives – In Europe, “end of life directives” require vehicles over a certain age be turned in for destruction. Policy ideas that first appear in Europe have a history of popping up in the United States. The ability to own, collect, work on, and refurbish older motorcycles is a fundamental part of who we are as motorcyclists. The MRF will battle any end-of-life directives in the U.S.

    Protect the Motorcycle Ecosystem– Independent shops and manufacturers are a critical part of the motorcycle ecosystem. They provide choice and competition in the marketplace. The MRF believes that to preserve the lifestyle and culture of motorcycling, independent shops and manufacturers must be protected.

  • 09/11/2023 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The House of Representatives has scheduled a vote Thursday on H.R. 1435, the “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.” H.R. 1435 would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent a ban on the sale of internal combustion engines, effectively trumping any state law that outlaws their sale.


    Now is the time to have your voice heard! Let Congress know you support the right to choose the type of engine you buy. Click here to contact your Member of the House of Representatives and ask them to vote for H.R. 1435.

  • 09/03/2023 9:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Meeting of the Minds conference is where it all began and it’s where motorcyclists’ rights advocates come to experience tailormade workshops addressing issues facing motorcyclists today. The Meeting of the Minds is where motorcyclists’ rights advocates can get up-to-date information on issues relating to the attacks against motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights.

    Time is running out -- Hotel rooms, at $109 nightly, are available and going fast. “Early bird” hotel reservation and Meeting of the Minds registration cut-off date is September 6. Use the QR codes below to make your reservations now. Time is running out!

    Since June, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation has shared this series of “E-blast” with thousands of motorcyclists. During the series, the MRF has introduced workshop presenters and workshop topics. The 2023 Meeting of the Minds conference will reflect that the MRF listens to our members, partner state motorcyclists’ rights organizations, and motorcycle clubs. The MRF is making a difference and moving forward – on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures -- to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights.

    Listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling, this year’s Meeting of the Minds conference features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a host of new topics added to the mix!

    The Meeting of the Minds – presenters who live and breathe motorcyclists’ rights, topical workshops that have real-world applications for protecting the future of motorcycling –The Motorcycle Riders Foundation -- Since 1987 the MRF has been the only national motorcyclists’ rights organization dedicated to on-street riders with full-time representation in Washington, D.C.!

    With more than a few hundred thousand hours of collective motorcyclists’ rights advocacy, some of the following names you’ll recognize, and some will be new to you. Regardless, this diverse assembly of freedom fighters will bring to the Meeting of the Minds new workshop topics and updates on topics that are cornerstones in the foundations of motorcyclists’ rights advocacy.

    THE PRESENTERS: Dave Dwyer - Russell Radke - Kirk "Hardtail" Willard - William "Rocky" Fox - Ryan Hubbard - Kris Cook - Seven - Lane Triplett - Jay Jackson - Gary Goracke - Steve Panten - Jennifer Abraham - Eric Ross - Joy Mack - Chris "Clutch" Ward - Rick “Brick” Lindsey - Mark Buckner - Bob Stoner - Aaron Meyer - Sherman Packard - Angela Engel - Keith “Bandit” Ball - Bob Kay – Chris Callen - Ron Braaksma - Traci Beaurivage - Imre Szauter

    The presentations and workshops are as diverse as the presenters--and just as important to promoting and protecting the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights.

    THE PRESENTATIONS: Legislative Strategies - Building Effective Legislative/lobbying Efforts – First Timers – Keeping the Bridges Open Between Clubs & SMROs  - Executive Directors Townhall - Leadership Principles - SMRO Guidebook: “A Cookbook for Your SMRO” -  MRFPAC Update – Beyond Legislative Lobbying - The Future of Motorcycling: The intentional phasing out of internal combustion engines and their fuel source -- American Income Life (MRF benefit presentation) – MRF Sustaining Clubs Meeting -  MRF Awareness & Education Update - Strategic Planning - The Power of Social Media: A Catalyst for Recruitment -  Building Effective legislative/Lobbying Efforts – MRF Awards – and much, much more…

    Yes, there’ll be plenty of time to renew old acquaintances and meet soon-to-be new friends. However, you will go home with a mind full of innovative ideas and a saddlebag full of informational handouts. You’ll wonder where the weekend went and will be disappointed that there wasn’t more time. This is what the Meeting of the Minds has always been about!

    Meeting of the Minds – Bikers Inside the Beltway -- the Motorcycle Riders Foundation – listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights!

    The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24, Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.

    Still need convincing that this is a “must attend” event for anyone serious about protecting the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights?  At $109 a night, room rates at the Red Lion are hard to beat!  But they’re going fast!

    Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds.

    Yours in Freedom,


    Fredric Harrell

    MRF Director of Conferences & Events

    PS: Time is running out for “early bird” registration cut-off date Sept. 6. Hotel rooms are available and $109 per night, going fast, confirm your plans now, register with the MRF, and use the QR codes to make hotel reservations early for the Meeting of the Minds 2023. Thank you.

    PPS: A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania asked me to remind you while you’re packing for the trip, put on your old Donna Summer and Bee Gees records, find your disco shoes and Saturday Night Live clothes. They’re hosting a FUN Raiser for the MRFPAC, and it promises to be a disco-mania memory lane hoot!

  • 09/03/2023 8:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you.  Your individual responses to the Eblast you received from the MRF around August 4 were encouraging.  So encouraging in fact, that I was requested to pull together one more appeal for biker rights advocates in the Northeast to join your brothers and sisters and “get your motors runnin’!” and head down to Harrisburg and the Meeting of the Minds in September.

    With someone from clean across country making such a production out of attending an event in Pennsylvania, you’re probably wondering what the fuss is all about.  First, it’s about the MRF listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling, and motorcyclists’ rights -- this year’s Meeting of the Minds features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a stack of new topics added to the mix!

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation–presenters who live and breathe motorcyclists’ rights, topical workshops that have real-world applications for protecting the future of motorcycling – Bikers Inside the Beltway, the Meeting of the Minds–there’s no other place in the world that you can get this much information in such a short span of time; even if you spent an evening ‘surfin’ the net!’  

    If you haven’t already, get ready to meet Bob Stoner, a 27-year member of ABATE of Indiana. He’ll join Aaron Meyer to present 90 minutes that will help keep your SMRO on track -- SMRO Guidebook: A Cookbook for Your Organization.

    Whether you’re contemplating running for political office or supporting a motorcycle-friendly candidate, “think globally, act locally” puts the mission of protecting the future of motorcycling directly into the avenue of approach to motorcyclists’ rights advocacy. Traci Beaurivage and Imre Szauter present Beyond Legislative Lobbying and share their collective political experience with attendees in their workshop.

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundation -- Bikers Inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds --listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling & motorcyclists’ rights!

    I’m not the guy to tell you that the MRF has all the answers.  However, I will tell you that Since 1987 the MRF has been the only national motorcyclists’ rights organization dedicated to on-street riders with full-time representation in Washington, D.C.! The MRF may not have all the answers, however you can take it to the bank that the information shared at the Meeting of the Minds will be useful to you and your SMRO!

    One more time: Why attend the Meeting of the Minds? With the increasing attacks against motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights – profiling, end of life directives for motorcycles, over-regulating the availability of fuel – the Meeting of the Minds offers sixteen workshops tailored to the motorcyclists’ rights activists. These workshops are presented by some of the nations’ most respected and knowledgeable freedom fighters. Plus, the information will serve you well before your legislators, state regulatory agencies, and members of Congress.

    The successes of the Motorcycle Rides Foundation are hard won. They are won because freedom-loving riders like you help make the victories easier. Thanks for using the links below to register for the Meeting of the Minds and make your hotel reservations. See you in Harrisburg in September and enjoy the ride!

    The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24. The Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111; at $109 nightly, there are rooms available, but they’re going fast.  Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.

    Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds.  

    Yours in Freedom,


    Fredric Harrell

    MRF Director of Conferences & Events

    PS: A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania asked me to remind you while you’re packing for the trip, put on your old Donna Summer or Bee Gee records and find your disco shoes and Saturday Night Live clothes. They’re hosting a FUN Raiser for the MRFPAC, and it promises to be a memory lane hoot! 

  • 08/31/2023 10:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we approach another traditional American holiday, I am repeatedly drawn back to the collective words of the fifty-six lovers of freedom who put their lives and fortunes on the line when they signed the Declaration of Independence nearly 250 years ago. Barely one hundred miles away from where another group of freedom fighters will gather for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Annual Meeting of the Minds conference.

    We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor.”

    Fourteen words that cemented their commitment to freedom. In less time than it took to gather those fifty-six signatures, the MRF will kick off the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds and bring together the nation’s motorcyclists’ rights activists for an intense weekend of workshops, presentations, and renewed commitments to preserve and protect the future of motorcycling.

    There will be no debate about the finer points of the Declaration of Independence. Instead, the MRF has a reputation for providing attendees with workshops and keynote speakers specifically tailored to motorcyclists’ rights advocacy--on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures.

    Focused on protecting the future of motorcycling, this three-day assembly of bikers honors the spirit and tradition that our nation’s founders risked their lives and liberty laying the foundation for the freedoms we enjoy today through the motorcycles we ride.

    Just as the founders of our nation experienced, the actions of a few dedicated freedom fighters are united to protect the freedoms of many. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation provides the Meeting of the Minds conference as a platform for motorcyclists’ rights activists of all levels and a venue to make new friends, renew old acquaintances and take home the tools needed to protect the future of motorcycling.

    The MRF listens, makes a difference, and moves forward at the direction of members, SMRO and motorcycle club partners to protect the future of motorcycling. This year’s Meeting of the Minds features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a host of new topics added to the mix!

    Never been to a Meeting of the Minds conference? We’ve got you covered. Meet Jennifer Abraham and Eric Ross. Their First Timers workshop was designed to make “first timers” and repeat attendees feel welcome and vitalized to stay involved in motorcyclists’ rights activism.

    The MRF’s legislative agenda represents the collective interests of the nation’s owners of 8.6 million registered street motorcycles. The burden of keeping the voice of motorcycling heard before Congress, regulatory agencies, and state legislatures is shouldered by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, MRF sustaining state motorcyclists’ rights organizations, MRF sustaining motorcycle clubs, and the five hundred activists who attend the Meeting of the Minds and take the word back to their respective states.

    None of us are pledging our lives, fortunes, or our sacred honors as those fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence did in August 1776. However, the MRF represents a committed cadre of dedicated motorcyclists’ rights activists and freedom fighters who understand that if we as motorcyclists do not stand together to support the efforts to protect the future of motorcycling, motorcycling has a bleak and limited future.

    The success of this year’s Bikers Inside the Beltway was a result of what is taught at the Meeting of the Minds. Keeping our members and partner SMROs and motorcycle clubs informed and on point is what makes the Motorcycle Riders Foundation the leading motorcyclists’ rights advocacy group in the nation.

    Bikers inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds – the Motorcycle Riders Foundation –listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights!

    The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24, Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.

    Still need convincing that this is a “must attend” event for anyone serious about protecting the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights?  At $109 a night, room rates at the Red Lion are hard to beat!  But they’re going fast!

    Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds.

    Yours in Freedom,


    Fredric Harrell

    MRF Director of Conferences & Events

    PS: A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania asked me to remind you while you’re packing for the trip, put on your old Donna Summer and Bee Gees records, find your disco shoes and Saturday Night Live clothes. They’re hosting a FUN Raiser for the MRFPAC, and it promises to be a disco-mania memory lane hoot!

  • 08/31/2023 5:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    In a letter made public this week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking answers from Tesla on the company's “Autopilot” system. The letter sent on July 26th states, “Recently, NHTSA became aware that Tesla has introduced an Autopilot configuration that, when enabled, allows drivers using Autopilot to operate their vehicles for extended periods without Autopilot prompting the driver to apply torque to the steering wheel.”

    As the letter notes, the ramifications of this feature are worrisome. “Relaxation of controls designed to ensure that the driver remains engaged in the dynamic driving task could lead to greater driver inattention and failure of the driver to properly supervise Autopilot.”

    It is unclear whether Tesla responded by the August 25th deadline noted in the correspondence. However, this action by NHTSA comes on the heels of several other investigations of Tesla. Most important for motorcyclists is the investigation, started nearly a year ago, concerning the deaths of three bikers in crashes involving Teslas believed to be in autopilot mode.

    Stories like this one are why the Motorcycle Riders Foundation continues to press federal officials for safety standards on self-driving cars and how they interact with motorcyclists. As the summer riding season comes to a close, don’t forget the words of former NHTSA senior safety adviser, Missy Cummings, “It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas.”

    To read the letter from NHTSA click here.

    Ride Safe and Ride Free.