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  • 06/06/2023 7:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Wednesday, June 7th the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will be conducting a public workshop to discuss proposed changes to the On-Road Motorcycle (ONMC) emissions standard and test procedures.

    As the background in the public notice states, “CARB has not proposed new standards for ONMCs since 1998. Since then, much has changed in the capabilities of emissions control technologies for ONMCs and similar categories of engines and vehicles. Further, other jurisdictions around the world have adopted more stringent emissions standards for ONMCs. These technical and regulatory developments have created an opportunity to reduce ONMC emissions quickly and cost-effectively in California.”

    In advance of the hearing, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation submitted written comments about the proposed push to make electric motorcycles 50% of all motorcycle sales by 2035. With nearly 1 million registered motorcycles on the roads in California, any regulatory action in the Golden State will have major repercussions for the rest of the country.

    If you’d like to watch the California hearing on June 7th click here to register.

    To read the MRF’s comments to CARB click here.
  • 06/03/2023 6:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On June 1st, Nebraska governor Jim Pillen signed into law a motorcycle helmet modification bill, which allows riders to choose if they wear a helmet. Congratulations to the motorcyclists in Nebraska, ABATE of Nebraska and all the groups in Nebraska who for years fought to have helmet choice in the Cornhusker State.  

    Nebraska State Senator Ben Hansen originally introduced the language, which was included in a larger transportation bill that passed the legislature at the end of May. Effective January 1, 2024, an individual age 21 and older, who has completed a certified motorcycle safety course may now choose whether or not to wear a helmet, provided the rider uses protective eye equipment. 

    In 2020, Missouri passed a helmet choice bill leaving Nebraska as the sole state in the Midwest that required all riders to wear a helmet. With this new law, Nebraska now joins its neighboring states and becomes the 33rd state allowing helmet choice. 

    For 34 years riders in Nebraska have sought the freedom to decide whether to wear a helmet. This victory is a testament to the handiwork, determination and passion of all those involved. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has long championed the belief that “those who ride should decide.” 

    When hearing the news, MRF President, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard said, "Grass roots activism at its finest, it is encouraging to see that there are still politicians and bureaucrats in this great country of ours that bend to common sense and the will of the people.  Given the nanny state of our society today, it is an outstanding achievement by ABATE of Nebraska and other involved motorcyclists in earning their freedom of choice." 

    This message from “Rouge,” State Coordinator for ABATE of Nebraska, Todd C. Miller should inspire us all. “It is hard to explain what this bill means to me. I was mentored and encouraged by so many. I am turning 60 and had the privilege to ride in this state prior to the mandatory helmet law enacted in 1989. Over the years, I have lost many friends, colleagues, brothers and freedom fighters who were on the frontlines of this fight It is hard to encourage a group of young riders that have never ridden free in Nebraska, for us, that was anyone under the age of 50! So, in honor of all of those we have lost, I am very proud to say the next generation of riders will know what it means to ride free in this state I pray they make memories, enjoy the ride here in Nebraska and become emboldened with the same desire I, and so many others, had to defend our rights in the years to come We all know the fight is NOT over. 

    I would like to Honor my Board of Directors/State Officers both past and present for sticking with the plan… and making it happen. My legislative officers over the years who helped keep us focused and get us there one step at a time, including Charles Thomas, Scott Lucey, Gary Neeman and my current Legislative Representative Randy Geer. Last and certainly not least, my wife and State Membership Secretary, Sheri Miller for all the late nights, weekends, and continued support  

    My list of outstanding contributors also includes Rick Backer, Jimmy Wray, Jodi Wessel, and Duane ‘Drano’ Goff, all of whom are no longer with us …” 

    Congratulations Nebraska!  

    Ride Safe and Ride Free! 

  • 06/02/2023 7:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On May 21,2023, over 3,000 motorcyclists gathered at the California State Capitol in Sacramento to talk biker’s rights, and to send a message to the state legislature that a change in how California deals with issues important to riders is needed. Speakers from the Modified Motorcycle Association (MMA) of California, ABATE of California, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the National Council of Clubs (NCOC) and other groups took to the podium to stress the importance of all riders - as well as other consumer advocates including those in the automotive industry - coming together to present a unified front. Rally organizer and MRF State Representative ‘Chappy’ Patrick Carver and his team of volunteers did yeoman’s work in organizing the event. Chappy is also the President and lobbyist for the MMA of California and works closely with the MRF on legislative issues being addressed in Congress. Numerous long-time California activists, including ABATE lobbyists Jim Lombardo and Bobby T, ABATE officers David ‘D-Man’ Seiler, Chuck Pedersen, and MMA/ABATE Liaison Dave Battles were on hand as well. 

    For California riders, a major concern continues to be the issue of being unfairly profiled by law enforcement. Following a concerted, years-long effort by motorcycle clubs from around the country, the NCOC, the MRF, state motorcyclists’ rights organizations and thousands of independent riders, anti-profiling resolutions have now been passed in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives with bi-partisan support. On a local level, five states have passed standalone anti-profiling laws. California and other states are working to have similar legislation enacted.  

    Other topics of discussion at the rally included protecting the rights of consumers to repair their machines, the unrealistic rush to outlaw internal combustion engines in favor of electric vehicles, ongoing issues associated with unregulated self-driving autonomous vehicles, and the appropriate labeling and availability of E10 or lower petroleum fuels.  

    MRF Executive Director Mark Buckner addressed the rally, emphasizing the importance of the challenges and opportunities facing riders today. Buckner discussed MRF’s recent Bikers Inside the Beltway lobbying campaign in Washington, D.C., highlighting the issues discussed with members of Congress and their staff. Those issues included ongoing efforts to end unfair profiling; H.R. 906, the Repair Act, seeking to stop manufacturers from limiting the ability of consumers and independent shops to repair products; H.R, 1435, the Preserving Choices in Vehicle Purchases Act, seeking to amend the Clean Air Act to prevent a ban on internal combustion engines; ensuring that Congress and executive branch agencies including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provide appropriate oversight regarding self-driving vehicles; ensuring that consumers will continue to be able to purchase E10 and lower ethanol fuels at a reasonable price; and building strong, bi-partisan motorcycle caucuses made up of motorcycle-friendly legislators in Washington, D.C. 

    Overall, the California Unification Rally was a resounding success, with unity and opportunity the messages of the day.

  • 05/26/2023 9:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This Memorial Day weekend take a moment and remember the sacrifices made by many while fighting for the freedoms each of us enjoy everyday. In streets across our nation traditional motorcycle events honoring those lost in military service will be held. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are forever grateful to our brothers and sisters lost defending the freedoms we cherish.

    As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

    As we spend time with family and friends, let’s all take a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country FREE. We at the MRF wish you and yours a safe Memorial Day.

  • 05/25/2023 12:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Tuesday, 13 members of the House of Representatives sent a bipartisan letter to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary of Pete Buttigieg seeking the formation of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). As you may remember, the MAC was first established by Congress in 2015 and renewed with passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021.

    Unfortunately, despite the requirement that the MAC be established within 90 days after the law is passed, DOT has failed to act. In the past, the MAC has provided a critical forum for policy makers, roadway engineers, and motorcyclists to discuss ways roadway and barrier design, construction and maintenance practices and intelligent transportation systems can better meet the safety needs of the nearly 9 million motorcyclists in this country.

    One important part of the reestablished MAC, as outlined in the text of the law, is the expansion of membership seats. The inclusion of manufacturers, motorcyclist rights organizations and safety professionals will provide for a more expansive knowledge base and information sharing on the council. As prescribed in the law, the MAC will be required to submit biennial reports on their findings.

    Establishment of the MAC was one of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s priorities during the recent Bikers Inside the Beltway event in D.C. Thank you to Rep. Gallagher for leading the letter and to the 12 other lawmakers listed below for supporting our efforts to seat the MAC.

    •     Rep. Gallagher (WI)
    •     Rep. Carsen (IN)
    •     Rep. Finstad (MN)
    •     Rep. Fitzgerald (WI)
    •     Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA)
    •     Rep. Grothman (WI)
    •     Rep. Lee (NV)
    •     Rep. Norman (SC)
    •     Rep. Stauber (MN)
    •     Rep. Steil (WI)
    •     Rep. Tiffany (WI)
    •     Rep. Van Orden (WI)
    •     Rep. Wilson (SC)
    To read the full text of the letter click here.
  • 05/20/2023 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This week bikers from across the nation descended on Capitol Hill. The 2023 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Bikers Inside the Beltway was the largest event in the 14-year history of the event! Motorcyclists from 34 states made the trip to Washington, D.C. to advocate for issues that matter to the street rider.

    The list of policy concerns was long!  Issues include: right to repair, preserving the internal combustion engine, profiling of bikers, autonomous vehicles, ethanol mandates, the definition of a motorcycle, and the creation of a Motorcyclist Advisory Council within the Department of Transportation.

    In just one day, all 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators received an informational packet from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) explaining who we are, what we’ve done, and what we want.

    Working with our State Motorcyclist Rights Organization (SMRO) partners, sustaining clubs and the National Council of Clubs we earned many important victories. In 2022 we saw the passage of an anti-profiling resolution, answers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on autonomous vehicles, and language requiring a report from the Department of Transportation on policies related to the targeting of bikers.

    Perhaps the best part about Bikers Inside the Beltway is the buzz that occurs on Capitol Hill when hundreds of bikers roam the halls on Congress. They not only hear us, but they see us!

    The MRF is committed to being your voice in Washington, D.C. We’ve had a presence in town since 1986 and we won’t leave until the job is done! We are, and will remain, the voice of the street rider in our nation’s capital.

    Thank you to all the motorcyclists that attended the event! It’s never too early to start making plans for the next installment of Bikers Inside the Beltway in May 2024.

    Check out some of the pictures of your fellow riders fighting for your rights in the halls of Congress.

  • 05/01/2023 6:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Bikers inside the Beltway “Building toward total success!”?  The event is two weeks away and the claim is either arrogant or wishful thinking. It’s neither.

    Since the late eighties, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and motorcyclists’ rights advocates have journeyed to Capitol Hill on behalf of the nation’s motorcyclists. Since 2009 and the inception of Bikers inside the Beltway, the journey matches the MRF’s immediate and long-term legislative goals.

    With over one hundred registered attendees, the hotel is totally booked. Although rooms may be available at neighboring hotels, we can make no recommendations. Finding rooms on the Blue or Yellow Metro lines is possible on a first-come basis.

    The event hotel (Embassy Suites at 1900 Diagonal, Old Town Alexandra) is on notice to expect more attendees than we’ve experienced at the past three Bikers inside the Beltway, and they are preparing for the MRF Board meeting (open to all) on May 15. Briefing packets and “leave-behinds” are being assembled for the 6:00 p.m. briefing on Monday evening.

    Registration for Bikers inside the Beltway is free, and even if you are staying at another hotel, you are requested to register now to ensure we have your state’s leave-behind packet ready. Use the link or the QR code below for Bikers inside the Beltway registration.

    To ensure that the mission of getting our message to Congress continues to be successful, it is not too late to act on the following:

    ·      Make your appointments locally or in Washington.

    ·      Familiarize yourself with the briefing points.

    ·      Confirm your appointment locally or in Washington.

    ·      Virtual or in person, make notes on your meeting.

    ·      Share your meeting notes with the MRF.


    The MRF’s victories, realized in the waning hours of the 117th Congress in December, came to fruition because of dedicated freedom fighters and events like Bikers inside the Beltway. The MRF will continue to stand and hold common ground to oppose profiling, support the right to repair, support policies to protect motorcyclist from the perils of sharing the road with autonomous vehicles, and oppose the distribution of ethanol-15 without pump identifiers.

    Bikers inside the Beltway -- an essential element of the MRF’s grassroots activism. Act now to attend the pre-event briefing and Q&A for visits to Congress, scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Monday, May 15. Again, briefing packets and “leave behinds” will be available during the briefing.

    The Motorcycle Riders Foundations Bikers inside the BeltwayMay 15 & 16, 2023.

    Thank you for your commitment to the ongoing fight to promote and protect the rights of all motorcyclists.

    Yours in Freedom,


    Fredric Harrell

    MRF Director of Conferences & Events

    PS The event recap and de-briefing will take place at the Embassy Suites on Tuesday, May 16 from 6-8:00 p.m.

  • 04/28/2023 8:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Friday, the Biden Administration issued an emergency waiver allowing for the sale of E15 from June 1st to September 15th. Restrictions on fuel volatility have limited the sale of E15 to the months outside of summer.  This move by the Biden Administration is an attempt to appease lawmakers from corn producing states, who for years have lobbied for year-round use of the fuel. A similar emergency waiver was issued in 2022.

    As always read your owner’s manual, know what you are putting in your bike, and be an educated consumer.

    To read more about the decision click here.

  • 04/21/2023 2:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Heartland STEAM in Bismarck this weekend marks the unofficial conclusion of the 2023 MRF “Road  Show”. Beginning in January MRF board members have traveled to 23 states to speak and present at SMRO events. We are honored to be invited to so many events, and we do our best to attend all of them.

    Getting out into the states and meeting with bikers is a critical part of what MRF board members do. Listening to presentations and having one on one conversations with bikers helps the MRF shape our agenda. We are successful in D.C. because of these interactions.

    After Heartland STEAM, we will pivot to our next big event, Bikers Inside the Beltway. This May we again plan to take our message to the halls of Congress and fight to protect the rights and freedoms of the street rider.

    While this year’s road show is ending, we are already planning the 2024 version. If you’d like a representative of the MRF to visit your state event let us know!

    Thank you for the hospitality you’ve shown us, and let’s continue to fight on!

    As always Ride Safe and Ride Free!!!

  • 04/18/2023 10:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Across the country a battle is underway between those that want to end the availability of combustion engines, and those fighting to protect their survival. While states like California and Massachusetts are setting timelines for purchase bans on internal combustion engines, other states like New Hampshire and Wisconsin are pushing back.

    The Biden Administration recently rolled out plans shifting this country to a majority electric vehicle market over the next ten years. Republicans in Congress have responded. In March, Rep. John Joyce of Pennsylvania introduced H.R. 1435 the “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.” H.R. 1435 would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent a ban on the sale of internal combustion engines, effectively trumping any state law that outlaws their sale.

    Now is the time to have your voice heard. Let Congress know you support the right to choose the type of engine you buy.

    Click here to contact your Member of the House of Representatives and ask them to support H.R. 1435.