Bikers inside the Beltway – “Building toward total success!”? The event is two weeks away and the claim is either arrogant or wishful thinking. It’s neither.
Since the late eighties, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and motorcyclists’ rights advocates have journeyed to Capitol Hill on behalf of the nation’s motorcyclists. Since 2009 and the inception of Bikers inside the Beltway, the journey matches the MRF’s immediate and long-term legislative goals.
With over one hundred registered attendees, the hotel is totally booked. Although rooms may be available at neighboring hotels, we can make no recommendations. Finding rooms on the Blue or Yellow Metro lines is possible on a first-come basis.
The event hotel (Embassy Suites at 1900 Diagonal, Old Town Alexandra) is on notice to expect more attendees than we’ve experienced at the past three Bikers inside the Beltway, and they are preparing for the MRF Board meeting (open to all) on May 15. Briefing packets and “leave-behinds” are being assembled for the 6:00 p.m. briefing on Monday evening.
Registration for Bikers inside the Beltway is free, and even if you are staying at another hotel, you are requested to register now to ensure we have your state’s leave-behind packet ready. Use the link or the QR code below for Bikers inside the Beltway registration.
To ensure that the mission of getting our message to Congress continues to be successful, it is not too late to act on the following:
· Make your appointments locally or in Washington.
· Familiarize yourself with the briefing points.
· Confirm your appointment locally or in Washington.
· Virtual or in person, make notes on your meeting.
· Share your meeting notes with the MRF.
The MRF’s victories, realized in the waning hours of the 117th Congress in December, came to fruition because of dedicated freedom fighters and events like Bikers inside the Beltway. The MRF will continue to stand and hold common ground to oppose profiling, support the right to repair, support policies to protect motorcyclist from the perils of sharing the road with autonomous vehicles, and oppose the distribution of ethanol-15 without pump identifiers.
Bikers inside the Beltway -- an essential element of the MRF’s grassroots activism. Act now to attend the pre-event briefing and Q&A for visits to Congress, scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Monday, May 15. Again, briefing packets and “leave behinds” will be available during the briefing.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Bikers inside the Beltway — May 15 & 16, 2023.
Thank you for your commitment to the ongoing fight to promote and protect the rights of all motorcyclists.
Yours in Freedom,
Fredric Harrell
MRF Director of Conferences & Events
PS The event recap and de-briefing will take place at the Embassy Suites on Tuesday, May 16 from 6-8:00 p.m.